Meet Edward
The Candidate
My name is Edward Ritter. I was born and raised in York County where I graduated from Dover Area High School. My father was a machinist / millwright. Mother was a civil service secretary. I am active in my church and have volunteered in youth organizations, libraries, and hunger support for many years. I am a retired Professional Engineer with 41 years’ experience in the private sector. Before retiring in 2019, I worked for large public corporations in energy and food processing and for small private engineering / consulting companies.

During my career, my work benefited public school districts in York and neighboring counties, colleges and universities across Pennsylvania, and area healthcare facilities by improving energy efficiency. As a manufacturing engineer, I have designed new food processing facilities in the US and overseas. One project for a world-leading spice company reduced process loss in pepper grinding by over 60% and eliminated manufacture of low-value byproduct. Profitability improved by over one million dollars annually on a $600,000 investment. A re-designed packaging machine increased reliability and improved throughput by over 25%. I am proud of my record for on-time, on-budget projects. Public sector clients benefited from significant operating savings. Private sector employers realized improved efficiencies and high returns on investment due to expanded sales and improved profitability.
Candidate’s statement
I am not a professional politician. I am a motivated citizen with moderate views running to challenge the extreme, far-right positions advocated by the incumbent. I was born and raised in York County, and I know we support public schools, hard work, and charity to those who need a hand up. As a legislator, I will focus on the following areas: Education, Healthcare, Sustainability and Preserving Our Democracy. Accordingly, I pledge the following:
- Defend Democracy – I will accept officially certified election results without question – locally, statewide, and nationally;
- Support my Community – If elected, I will donate at least 20% of my gross salary to benefit charity – my church, my library and food distribution efforts;
- As your Legislator, I will work to benefit the common good – seeking solutions that benefit all. I will evaluate proposed legislation based on facts, not partisan ideology.
- Term limits / Citizen Legislator – I will not seek higher office and will not serve more than three terms (six years) as District 47’s legislator.